What does an ingrown hair look like?

Ingrown hairs look like red or brown bumps, and can be confused with pimples. If the bump is in an area where you shave, it’s probably an ingrown hair and not a pimple (if it’s in an oily area of your skin, like the nose/chin, it’s likely a pimple). In women, ingrowns are common in the pubic area after shaving/waxing there; men tend to get them on their face and neck after shaving. Often, the curled hair underneath the skin is visible in an ingrown hair, though not always. If there’s pus coming from the bump, that might be an indication the ingrown hair is infected. Talk to your dermatologist if you’re not sure what any bump on your skin is, and for recommendations on the best course of action.

An illustration of an ingrown hair

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Ingrown Hair

Trapped hair that's curled back into the skin where it came from, causing a bump.

Also Called

Pseudofolliculitis barbae

Looks Like

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Frequently Found On

Legs, pubic area, neck

Learn More: Ingrown Hair